Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidi Cramer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heidi Cramer, born in 1961, studied material utilization at the Bergakademie in Freiberg, Germany. She wrote her graduation thesis about “fracture toughness of nitriding layers”.

From 1991-2000 she worked as a development engineer in the R&D department in Munich. Since 2001 she was the head of the department.

After she was appointed vice branch manager of the GesellschaftfürSchweißtechnik International mbH, branch SLV Munich in 2010, in October 2011 she became the branch manager of the SLV Munich. Also in 2010 she was appointed as honorary professor at the university of applied sciences Munich.

Since 1st of January 2018 Prof. Cramer is the manager of the division Innovation and R&D of the GSI mbH. In this new position she develops the strategies of the R&D department throughout the branches of the GSI mbH and ensures i.a. the continuous technology transfer into the education department.

Relating thereto is the coordination of publicly funded projects in the branches of the GSI mbHi.a in the area of development of suitable welding materials, of economically joining technologies, the additive manufacturing and the thermal spraying as well as the intensification of research cooperations in Germany and abroad.

Further work priorities are the further development of training documents as well as the promotion of modern education tools like the e-learning for the education of welding supervision personnel and the virtual welding in the area of practical training.


EurIng Chris Eady CEng FWeldI
Associate Director Professional Affairs TWI Ltd
and Chief Executive of TWI Certification Ltd

Chris Eady leads competence assurance activities in support of both members and non-members of The Welding Institute.

Chris directs The Welding Institute ( as a licensed Professional Engineering Institution providing professional development and registration for Engineering Technicians, Incorporated Engineers and Chartered Engineers, and others involved in the engineering fields of materials joining, materials integrity and inspection.

Chris is also the Chief Executive of TWI Certification Ltd (TWI CL), a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Welding Institute, which operates as an independent, international certification body, and is the EWF and IIW ANB and ANBCC in the UK. Accredited by UKAS in accordance with relevant standards, TWI CL certifies role-specific competence of personnel under its CSWIP scheme (, and certifies organisations for quality control of welding (,,

A professionally registered engineer, European Engineer and Chartered Engineer, Chris has an extensive background in operational management, compliance management, research, and personnel development for safety critical systems. Chris is the current elected President of the European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (

Prof. Dr Maria Luísa Coutinho Gomes de Almeida Quintino
University of Lisbon, member оf Board of directors EWF

Academic Degrees

PhD Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, February of 1987
Doctor of Philosophy, Cranfield Institute of Technology, May of 1986
Diploma of Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), 1976-1977

Present Position

Full Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal, since October 2015
Executive Director of the European Welding Federation, since 1992.

Entrepreneurship Activities
QS&S, management and technical consultancy, 1995
SAF, multimedia training materials, 1992
Intersis, development of industrial automation systems, 1990
Lasindustria, a laser job-shop, 1989

“Honorary Professor”, Universitatea Dunãrea de Jos Din Galati, 2004
“Titlul Academic de ProfesorOnorific”, Universitatea, Politehnica Din Timisoara, 2003


          National 15
          International 71
          Projects with Companies 74



  • “Honorary Fellowship” of The Welding Institute, 2015
  • The Arthur Smith Award,  IIW-International Institute of Welding, 2015
  • Recognition of outstanding contributions to the IIW-International Institute of Welding as Study Group Research Chair, IIW-International Institute of Welding, 2003-2012
  • “George Willis Award”, “presented to an individual for promoting the advancement of welding internationally, by fostering cooperative participation in areas such as research, technology transfer, standards rationalization, and promotion of industrial good will” , USA, 2007
  • “Brooker Medal 2004”, in Recognition of Individual Achievement in the Advancement of the Science, Technology and Industrial Exploitation of Materials Joining”, The Welding Institute, 2004
  • Recognition by the European Commission of the Commitment to the European Coal and Steel Community, Luxemburg, 2002
  • “International Meritorious Award”, American Welding Society, EUA, 2001
  • “The Jim Kape Memorial Medal”, The Institute of Metal Finishing, Aluminium Finishing Group, ReinoUnido, 2000
  • Miembro de Honor CESOL, Asociacion Española de Soldadura y Tecnologias de Union, 2002
  • “Adams Memorial Membership Award”, American Welding Society, EUA, 1994


  PhD MSc Others
Supervision 16 49 25
Academic Juris 22 70 13


Type of Publication
Papers in International Conferences (IC) 165
Papers in National Conferences (NC) 10
Papers in International Journals 135
Papers in National Journals (NJ) 22
Books (BKS) 4
Chapter in Books (CB)     7


Chris Smallbone,
IIW Past President 2005-2008,
WTIA CEO Emeritus

Chris Smallbone has had wide recognition in his career from many countries and organisations for his numerous outstanding accomplishments, technical and economic impacts which have advanced the science, technology and application of welding.

These have been across the full spectrum of activities   covering technology innovation, research and development, education, training, qualification and certification, industry advocacy and positive social change.

He has been at the forefront of many unique and pioneering major innovations, including as Executive Director, building up   two national welding Institutes, the South African Institute of Welding (SAIW) 1980-1994 and the Welding Technology Institute of Australia (WTIA) 1995-2014.

In parallel, he was involved with other groups in   voluntarily establishing and building up from inception, a number of other not-for-profit organisations to meet particular needs of Industry. All have had major impacts both technically and economically on welding technology, NDT, pressure equipment and other industries, in South Africa and Australia.

Through his voluntary work in the International Institute of Welding (IIW) since 1974, he has used these successes to assist many countries and regions of the world to improve the quality of life of their peoples through the optimum use of welding technology.

Douglas Luciani,
president оf IIW, Canada

President and Chief Executive Officer
CWB Group – Industry Services
8260 Parkhill Drive
Milton, ON L9T 5V7
Tel:  1-800-844-6790 / 905-542-1312
Cell:  416-428-3200
Fax:  905-542-1318

CWB Group is a welding certification, registration, training, consulting and membership organization that works in over 40 countries worldwide. Doug Luciani joined the CWB Group in May 1991 and was appointed President and Chief Executive Officer in September 2006.

Doug is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, and an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business.

Doug is a Professional Engineer in the Province (P. Eng.) of Ontario. He is also a Professional Associate Member of the Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) a Member of the American Welding Society (AWS), and a Member of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD).  Doug is currently the President of the International Institute of Welding (IIW), an organization comprised of 60 countries that is based out of Paris, France.

Christian Ahrens

Civil Engineer, International Welding Engineer IWE

Job Career:

Graduation as Civil Engineer 1975
Designer of Pre-stressed Concrete Bridges 1975 - 1976
Designer of Steel Bridges 1976 - 1980
DVS Welding Engineer 1980
Head of the Department Bridge Construction KRUPP 1980 - 1983
Head of the Department Space Frames KRUPP 1983 - 1984
Head of the Department Education, Training and Quality assurance Institute of Welding, SLV Duisburg 1984 - 2007
Vice Managing Director, Institute of Welding, SLV Duisburg 1987 - 2009
Vice Managing Director of GSI, SLV Duisburg since 2004
Managing Director Education and Training of GSI 2005 - 2009
Managing Director Foreign Business of GSI 2009 - 2015
Christian Ahrens - International Welding Consultant since 2015

Activities in the German Welding Society DVS:
Chairman of Working Group for Engineers Education 1987 - 2011
Chairman of the National Examination Board 1992 - 2000
Member of the National Examination Board 1992 - 2015

Activities in the German Standardisation Institute DIN:
Member of Standard Committee DIN 18800 1987 - 1990
Member of Standard Committee EN 1090 1989 – 1995

Activities in the American Welding Society AWS:
Member 2009 - 2015
Section Chairman Germany 2009 - 2014

Activities in the International Institute of Welding IIW:
German Delegate since 1992
Member of Commission Education and Training C XIV since 1993
Chairman of Commission “Authorisation, Examination, and
Qualification C VII” 1995 - 2000
Member of IAB Working Group A “Education, Training and
Qualification” since 2000
Chairman of IAB Working Group A “Education, Training and
Qualification” 2000 - 2011
Chairman of IAB Working Group A#2a/2b “Engineer/Technologist/Specialist/Practitioner Guidelines” 2000 - 2014
Member of IAB Working Group B “Implementation, Authorisation and Certification” since 2000
Chairman of IAB Working Group B#1 – “Rules and Ops” 2011 - 2017
Member of the International Authorisation Board IAB 2000 - 2011
Chairman of the International Authorisation Board IAB since 2017
IAB Peer Assessor 1997 - 2009
IAB Lead Assessor since 2009

German Training Export Award 2007
AWS International Meritorious Certificate Award 2010
IIW Arthur Smith Award 2012

Roland Boecking

Blacksmith by profession, studied mechanical engineering and obtained his PHD at the University of Dortmund, Germany in materials science (submerged arc welding and RES cladding), 20 years in industry especially electroplating for the automotive industry and CEO of an internationally operating company in the field of thermal spraying.

Since January 2014, CEO of the German Welding Society - DVS e. V. in Düsseldorf, Germany.

Dr. Roland Boecking concentrates his work on international activities like the representation of the German Welding Society at IIW – International Institute of Welding, EWF – European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting and international conferences and exhibitions.

He supervises the education of welders and engineers at the German Welding Institute – GSI  mbH and other institutions with totally 750 employees.

Furthermore he communicates on the international level with representatives of CMES – Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, CWS – Chinese Welding Society, AWS – American Welding Society and NAKS, the Russian Society for Education and Certification of welders in Moscow.

Sorin Kellerr

Over thirty years of experience in Welding and Brazing Manufacturing Processes, in particular large components for power generation, steel construction, manufacturing of welded ship engines and components for chemical engineering.

Vast experience in evaluation of welding manufacturing process.

Practical knowledge and experience in the repair of reconditioned steam and gas turbine rotating and stationary components.

Project management experience in the transfer of technology and implementation of knowledge in the manufacturing facilities in China, India, USA, Hungaria, Romania, Asustria, Germany, France and other countries.

Strong knowledge in Quality Focus / Six Sigma procedure.

Patent Applicant in collaboration for several patents:

  • Welding Procedure for high strength welded LP rotor
  • Method for welding together two parts which are exposed to different temperatures, and turbo machine produced using a method of this type
  • Welding of blade fixing ring with the rotor discs, with two rings welded by deposit welding, rather than welded together to the rotor disc
  • Fixing of cooling air plates
  • Welding of 12% Cr-Steels
  • Method for welding age-hardenable Nickel-base alloys

Prof. dr Aleksandar Sedmak - Jaeger Lecturer
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Belgrade, Serbia

Occupation or position held Full Professor (from 2001)
Director of Innovation Centre (from 2007)
Vice-Rector of University of Belgrade for the international cooperation (2006-2009)
EUREKA High Level Representative (from 2003)
Main activities and responsibilities Education in Material science and engineering, Fracture mechanics and Structural integrity, Welding science and practice, Leading projects, making strategic decisions, International cooperation, including bilateral cooperation with Croatia and Slovenia, Eureka, FP7 and CIP projects, courses for the International Welding Engineers
Type of business or sector Education, Research & Development